In 2015, all UN member states agreed to adopt 17 sustainable development goals which are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and to improve the lives and prospects of people worldwide.  The initial and current target to reach the agreed goals is set to 2030.

While there is still much to be done, we believe that all businesses have a part to play towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) because the work can not be left to government bodies and community groups alone.  Together we are all world citizens.

More information on SDG’s may be found on the UN website here

In the context of the UN’s development goals, Jewelarc takes its responsibilities towards its customers, the environment and its staff very seriously.  We are here for the long haul and are committed to play our part in helping to improve and protect the earth, its finite resources and the lives and the standing of all people we come into contact with.

The following is a summary of some of the actions and policies we follow in pursing the above.






Please refer to our separate Environmental Statement here for details of specific actions taken towards improving our environmental standing within our own manufacturing facilities.


Jewelarc is committed to the continual improvement and refinement of all aspects of our operations in order to meet our goal of being a responsible jeweller manufacturer, taking as little as possible from mother earth and giving back as much as possible to our staff and our customers.

The focus for all steps taken to date, including the actions and strategies listed above, has been to help make a solid contribution towards the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by all nations.  We believe we have assisted in the following SDGs: